Edwardsburg Public Schools

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Health » Health Concerns and Screenings

Health Concerns and Screenings

Edwardsburg Public Schools employs one full time school nurse who is shared amongst six school buildings within the district. A health aide or Administrative Assistant at each building distributes medication and provides basic first aid. All questions concerning health matters should be directed to the district nurse. If your child has special health needs, please be sure to notify school staff. We will do all we can to accommodate your child. The nurse may be reached during the school day by calling 269-663-3055.


All cases of communicable or contagious disease must be reported to the school office or the school nurse. The local health department requires certain diseases be reported to them weekly. These include measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, pertussis, meningitis, scarlet fever and strep throat.


Each building is equipped to handle emergency situations. However, the school is not able to provide long-term sick care. Children who are unable to attend class will be sent home after contacting a parent/guardian. Therefore, it is essential that work phone numbers and emergency contact information be kept current.


Whenever a student is found to be infested with head lice, s/he may remain in school until the end of the school day but shall be restricted from activities involving close head-to-head contact or sharing personal items with other children.  The student may not be readmitted to school until the parent completes Form 8450A F3 and, upon examination by the school, no live lice are found. If a student has no live lice, but has nits closer than one quarter inch from the scalp, s/he shall be re-checked for lice and nits on each school day until no live lice and no nits within one quarter inch of the scalp are found.  The other students in the infested student's classroom and the student's sibling(s) should be examined for evidence of either the lice or lice eggs (nits). The examinations should be done by each student's parents.


Hearing screening is provided by the Cass and Van Buren County Health Departments each year to all students in grades K, 2, and 4 or others referred for screening.


If a child becomes ill at school, (vomiting, unusual rash or temperature 100 degrees or higher) they need to report to the office so school personnel can make appropriate arrangements for them. The parent or guardian may then be notified to pick them up. It is necessary that the parent/guardian sign the student out prior to leaving the building. Students are never to leave the building to go home without permission.


A parent/guardian, or person in loco parentis applying to have a child registered for the first time in a school in the State of Michigan shall present to school officials, at the time or registration or no later than the first day of school, a certificate of immunization or statement of exemption under Section 9215.

Immunizations are reviewed for all students entering grade 7 and their immunizations need to be complete at that time.


Medications will be given at school only if students are unable to attend classes without a dosage during school hours. Students are forbidden to possess, use, or transfer any over-the-counter or prescription medication. All medicines will be kept in a designated locked area and administered by authorized school personnel. Medications to be given at school, including over the counter medication (Tylenol, cough syrup, etc.), must be accompanied by a signed physician's order and written permission of parents. These instructions must be renewed every school year. Medications must be in the original container.

All medications must be delivered to the office by a parent or legal guardian, unless special arrangements have been made with the principal. Failure to follow the guidelines stated above may result in a violation of the student code of conduct.
Students may possess and use any FDA approved over-the-counter topical substance provided they have written permission from their parent. This includes but is not limited to: Sunscreen, antimicrobial or antifungal products, external analgesics, and psoriasis or eczema topical treatments. 



Vision screenings are given to all kindergarten children and to students in first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth grades. The Cass and Van Buren County Health Departments provide vision screening for our students. Parents are notified by Health Department staff if their child does not pass the screening.


Scoliosis screenings will be offered to our Middle Schools' students currently in grade 7 and 8 with written permission from their parent.


Edwardsburg is fortunate to have multiple community resources available for students in need of them. Some of the available services are provided by Edwardsburg Lions’ Club, Edwardsburg Lioness’ Club, as well as the Edwardsburg Parent Teacher Organization. Mobile Dentists are available for students in elementary buildings one time each school year.