Dear Parent/Guardian,
Edwardsburg Public Schools has implemented a Student Information System called PowerSchool. PowerSchool is designed to help schools improve communication and give users the flexibility of access through mobile devices and includes specialized applications created with mobile devices in mind. The feature allows you to track your student’s grades and attendance. If you have several children in our district, you will now be able to access all of your children from one account.
The link for the parent portal is posted on the district home page or you can also click HERE to access the parent/student portal.
In preparation for creating a parent account, a letter was sent home that contained your Access ID and Access Password that you will need to log in. If you did not receive a letter, please contact your child's school office and they will provide a copy. Each student will have a different Access ID and Access Password.
If you currently have a PowerSchool parent account and have forgotten your password, please contact the school office and they can reset your password.
Please see below for an instructional guide on how to create a new parent account and how to add additional students to your parent account.
In addition, there is also a PowerSchool mobile app available in the App and Google Play stores so you can monitor your child’s progress on your mobile device.
The EPS district code is: TXPR
We are excited to bring you this service.
The Edwardsburg Information Technology Department