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RFP Postings

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ANSWER:  This is mostly due to offering different indicator options in the future.  All things you mentioned are potential options we may want in the future.   As it stands now we currently have a bell system and we do not have an emergency notification system.  We added this wording to have the future potential to use the phone system as a bell system and emergency notifications. The ability to dial a code to cause a tone is related to the emergency notifications.  To make this easier on you and other potential bidders, I will try to make this more direct and ask the following:
In regards to the PAGING ITEMS section of the RFP on page 6.  With the understanding that there are different options and compatibility issues in regards to paging and sending various tones, the district is asking for bidders to separately itemize different paging options for allowing the phone system to fully replace or directly integrate with existing PA systems within the schools to have the ability to do the following:
-Page to a single classroom
-Page to an entire school from any handset (this option is due to the potential need to broadcast to the entire school in an emergency even if not in the main office)
-Page to the district
-Make a tone or pre-recorded message from any handset in the district in the event of an emergency
-Ability to use system as scheduled bell notifications
ANSWER: 155. Also, 275 is on the high-side and includes potential growth.  Final handset numbers will be determined after awarding a bidder.
ANSWER: Yes.  I lean more towards a dedicated system outside of virtual but am open to virtual.  Please include technical specs and pricing for virtual and non-virtual in the bid. 
ANSWER: Understood. I appreciate the heads up.  Can we utilize the existing digital phone lines (non-VoIP) as a way to mitigate that?  Perhaps a hybrid solution which is not entirely VoIP? You mention broadcast for the paging.  Is there an option for multicast instead and does that change anything related to network performance issues?  Also, I specified a little more wording in the PAGING question. (Question number 1 on the RFP website.)
ANSWER:  I agree, as a whole.  In the past we had to come up with a solution to make at least 100 simultaneous phone calls for parent/teacher conferences (due to COVID) and the phone system at the time couldn't handle it.  We were made aware of the option of a trunk that could be scalable as needed, especially if we knew ahead of time to schedule it.  We would like to see what options there are out there with the understanding that we require at least the existing Comcast connection with 23 lines to be compatible with any system that a bidder proposes.  
ANSWER: Here are the models I pulled from the PA systems at each school.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
Model: MCS350T/32-25-1
Volts: 117 VAC  Hz: 60  AMPS: 3
Eagle Lake
Precision Electronics
Model: AXIOM125
Model: PSU-2B
Telecor XL
Model: ATP-AX2-1 Single Channel
Model: MCS350T/R32-25-1
Volts: 117 VAC Hz: 60  AMPS: 10
Middle School
Model: MCS350T/R48-25-1/P
Volts: 117 VAC  Hz: 60  AMPS: 10
High School
Model: MCS350T/64-25-1
Volts: 117 VAC  Hz: 60  AMPS: 3
ANSWER: Please itemize the cost of each survivable gateway WAN connection, separately.  We'll want to review the cost of this service before we commit.  Also, WAN connections are a bit of a loose term here based on our campus layout.  We have one true WAN connection that is leased fiber.  That is our connection from the Middle School to Eagle Lake Elementary School.  The other WAN connections are buried, Edwardsburg Public Schools-owned fiber runs.  That would be from the Middle School to the following:
-Primary School
-Intermediate School
-Transporation/Maintenance/Alternative Learning Center
-High School
-Newly acquired building
ANSWER: Please itemize separately any costs for 1 and 3 years of support. 
ANSWER: Each school is different.  Here is a list.
Primary - Can PA to individual classrooms and/or whole building
Eagle Lake - Can PA to individual classrooms and/or whole building
Intermediate - Can PA to individual classrooms and/or whole building and do zones such as, outside or one of two pods
Middle School - Can only PA to whole school UNLESS the classroom pushes their "emergency PA" button. Then the office can reply directly to that classroom.
High School - Can only PA to whole school
ANSWER: I had someone ask me this already.  I'll answer the same as I have posted on the website under question 8.  If I'm misinterpreting your question and it's actually different from what was said on the website on question 8 then please let me know.  
Here is what I put on the website......
8. QUESTION: How many years of support are required in the bid response.
ANSWER: Please itemize separately any costs for 1 and 3 years of support.